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As a QS scheme participant, do I continue to use the QS certification mark for labelling on packaging materials, delivery notes and shipping documents?

Yes, the blue QS certification mark can be used by authorized QS scheme participants both for the illustration on QS certified goods and on packaging materials, delivery notes and shipping documents as before. In addition, the use of the QS certification mark for scheme participants without direct product reference in online communication, as an element in business stationery (letterhead, image brochure, etc.) and on advertising materials of all kinds is still permitted.

Please note that advertising material, packaging material, stationery or similar advertising media on which the QS certification mark is to be displayed must be approved by QS before going to print. The exact specifications for the use of QS certification mark can be found in the QS style guide (for the QS certification mark) or in our FAQs on the use of the mark.

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