GlobalG.A.P and QS (with QS-GAP) have mutually recognised their standards. Producers with a QS-GAP certification must be registered in the GlobalG.A.P. database to be allowed to deliver into the GlobalG.A.P scheme. Businesses with a valid GlobalG.A.P. audit certificate can deliver into the QS scheme if they register through a QS coordinator and participate in mandatory QS residue monitoring.
Production businesses with several locations certified according to the GlobalG.A.P. standard in a multi-site procedure who would like to participate in the QS scheme must arrange for auditing and register of each site. For companies with a multisite with QMS, analogous requirements apply as for companies with a GlobalG.A.P. Option 1-certificate.
Information on participation in the QS scheme, including for producer companies and certificate holders with a GlobalG.A.P. Option 2 certificate (group certification), can be found in the annexes to the guidelines under the documents for coordinators