- All news
- Dokumente Konfigurator Nachhaltigkeit (EN)
- Downloadcenter (EN)
- News Supply Chain Fruit and Vegetables
- News Supply Chain Meat
- Press releases
- Staff A/C
- Support _en
- 20 Years QS
- 20 Years QS - The Milestones
- 20 Years QS - Timeline
- Avoiding crises before they emerge
- Industry breakthrough in networking
Anerkannte Standards EN
- AMA (pastus+)
- AMA-Gütesiegel (AMA Marketing GesmbH) en
- Bord Bia
- Certus (Belpork v.z.w.)
- CodiplanPlus (Codiplan v.z.w.)
- Danish Productstandard, Global Red Meat Standard (Danish Agriculture & Food Council (DAFC))
- EFISC-GTP Aisbl.
- FamiQS (FamiQS asbl.)
- GMP+ International (GMP+ FSA)
- IFS Logistics / IFS Food / IFS Whosesale/ IFS Cash&Carry / BRC Global Standard for Storage & Distribution / BRC Global Standard for Food Safety en
- IFS Logistics, IFS Food, IFS Cash&Carry/Wholesale sowie GMP+ and QS Feed Sector
- IKB Nederland Varkens (DGB)
- IKB Varken (CBDKiwa VERIN)
- KAT – Verein für kontrollierte alternative Tierhaltungsformen e.V.
- Oqualim
- QM-Milk (Cows)
- QM-Milk (Feed Sector)
- Qualimat Transport
- Vegaplan
Becoming a scheme participant
- Auditors
- Becoming a QS scheme participant - Livestock transport
- Becoming a QS scheme participant - Stage Feed Industry
- Becoming a QS scheme participant - Stage Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
- Becoming a QS scheme participant - Stage Livestock Farming
- Becoming a QS scheme participant - Stage Livestock Transport
- Becoming a QS scheme participant - Stage Meat Industry
- Becoming a QS scheme participant - Stage Quality Inspection
- Becoming a QS scheme participant - Stage Veterinarians
- Becoming a scheme participant
- Broker Meat and Meat Products
- Butchery
- Cattle farmers
- Certification bodies
- Compound feed production
- Coordinator agriculture
- Coordinators producer fruit, vegetables, potatoes
- Feed material production
- Feed sector - Additive and premix production
- Feed sector - Logistics and trade
- laboratories
- Logistics service providers fruit, vegetables, potatoes
- Meat Processing
- Meat Wholesale
- Mobile feed milling and mixing plants
- Participate in the QS scheme - stages of supply chain
- Participate in the QS scheme Start
- Pig farmers
- Poultry farmers
- Preparation/Processing fruit, vegetables and potatoes
- Producers Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
- Scheme Participant
- Slaughtering and deboning
- Steps to become a QS scheme participant – livestock farmer
- Steps to become a QS scheme participant – Producer
- Storage Meat and Meat Products
- Veterinarians
- Wholesalers for Fruit, Vegetables and Potatoes
Certification Bodies and Laboratories
- Auditors & Certification Bodies
- Feed monitoring - Overview map QS approved laboratories
- Feedback form Meeting of laboratory managers feed monitoring
- Feedback form Meeting of laboratory managers residue monitoring
- Inspections and laboratory analyses
- Laboratories
- Overview map of approved certfication bodies
- QS laboratory performance assessment - Results in detail 1/2023
- QS laboratory performance assessment - Results in detail 2/2023
- QS laboratory performance assessment - Results in detail 2021
- QS laboratory performance assessment - Results in detail 2022
- QS laboratory performance assessment - Results in detail 2022
- QS Laboratory Performance Assessment Results 1/2024
- QS Laboratory Performance Assessment Results 2/2024
- Residue monitoring - Overview map QS approved laboratories
- Salmonella monitoring - Overview map QS approved laboratories
Certification Mark
- Document overview
- Documents
- Service Package Crop Farming, Grassland Use and Forage Production
- Service Package Laying Hen Farming
- Service Package Milk Production
- Tips for a good password
- Trade - Meat and Meat Products
- Wholesale/Logistics Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
- As a QS scheme participant, do I continue to use the QS certification mark for labelling on packaging materials, delivery notes and shipping documents?
- At which position in the test report should the mark QS-approved laboratory mark be displayed?
- Can a QS-approved laboratory advertise with the QS certification mark?
- Can I also purchase feed from suppliers who are not eligible to deliver into the QS scheme?
- Do deadlines have to be met when entering the analysis results into the QS software platform/Qualiproof database?
- Do I have to participate in the QS scheme as a logistics company?
- Do logistics companies have to register in the QS scheme if they only transport non-QS goods?
- Do logistics companies that are commissioned for the transport of QS goods (spot market) on a short-term or one-off basis have to register in the QS scheme?
- Do logistics companies that transport QS goods to food retailers also have to be registered and approved in the QS scheme?
- Do media and advertising material bearing the QS certification mark have to be approved by QS before going to print?
- Do subcontractors have to be certified in the QS scheme?
- Do the requirements of QS. Quality scheme for food. surpass legal requirements?
- Do transport companies that only provide the staff and the tractor for the transport of QS goods also have to be certified in the QS scheme?
- Does my GMP+ recognition also apply to logistics activities for the meat product group?
- Feed monitoring: What does a laboratory have to do if the maximum level or guidance value is exceeded?
- For which feed is a positive release sampling required?
- For which production scope do I have to register my company?
- How can I check the eligibility of delivery of other scheme participants?
- How can I deliver to other standards as a QS scheme participant?
- How can I deliver to the QS scheme if I am certified according to a standard recognized by QS?
- How can I or third parties check, whether I am eligible to deliver into the QS scheme?
- How can I participate in the QS residue monitoring as a producer?
- How can I participate in the QS scheme as a feed company owner?
- How can I participate in the QS scheme as a producer of fruits, vegetables or potatoes?
- How can I participate in the QS scheme as a wholesaler?
- How can I participate in the QS scheme as entrepreneur of the meat industry?
- How can I view the QS eligibility of delivery of a subcontractor?
- How can sample related data be edited if an error was made during entry, but the sample has already been forwarded to the laboratory or the analysis is completed?
- How can the eligibility of delivery of producers/suppliers/consumers be checked?
- How can the eligibility of delivery of subcontractors be checked?
- How do I log in to the antibiotics database?
- How do I log in to the salmonella and diagnostic database?
- How do I login to the QS database?
- How do I participate in the QS Scheme as livestock owner?
- How do I proceed if I want to participate in the QS scheme as a wholesaler?
- How do I proceed if I want to participate in the QS system as a Logistician?
- How do I proceed if I would like to participate in the QS scheme at the stage preparation/processing?
- How do I register as a logistics company for meat and meat products in the QS database?
- How do I use the QS certification mark correctly in shipping documents?
- How does QS feed monitoring work?
- How does QS. Quality scheme for food. work?
- How is the requirement "Labelling of QS goods with an identification number" to be understood? What do I have to consider?
- How many samples must a wholesaler/preparation/processor company/ take for QS residue monitoring?
- How must the diagnostic data be recorded outside Germany?
- How should samples be handled in the QS salmonella monitoring? Where should they be taken?
- I am a food manufacturer and market my by-products as feed. Do I also have to be certified as a feed producer?
- I produce only small tonnage per year. Is there a small-scale regulation?
- I would like to change my veterinarian. How do I proceed?
- In addition to QS meat and meat products, I also transport QS fruit, vegetables and potatoes. Do I have to make a separate declaration?
- May the mark “QS-approved laboratory” be shown on all test reports of the laboratory?
- QS recognition: a laboratory has several locations, one location has QS recognition. Are the others also allowed to carry out investigations in the QS scheme?
- Residue and feed monitoring: A data record that you have already completed reappears in the overview of your sample related data to be processed. You have, however, not submitted a reset request. How is this possible?
- Residue and feed monitoring: After completing a data set, you discover that, for example, a maximum residue level was not transferred correctly. Can QS carry out this input correction for you by submitting a reset request?
- Residue and feed monitoring: Does a QS recognized laboratory have to participate regularly in round robin test in addition to the QS laboratory performance assessment?
- Residue and feed monitoring: How can duplicate or accidentally created data records or data records incorrectly assigned by the client be deleted?
- Residue and feed monitoring: How is subcontracting regulated?
- Residue and feed monitoring: When entering data, the error message "Sample related data was transmitted to the laboratory after the end of analysis. The analysis can therefore not be completed" appears. What does this mean and what has to be done?
- Residue and feed monitoring: You have had a data record reset to correct a data entry. Once the correction has been made, a message appears again when you try to close the data record, indicating that the data record is blocked.What's the reason for
- Residue and feed monitoring: Your laboratory wants to change subcontracting laboratory. What do you have to do?
- Residue and feed monitoring: Your laboratory would like to carry out a method or parameter, which it had previously subcontracted, in the laboratory itself. What do you have to do?
- Residue monitoring: When entering results into the QS database, there is an active substance that cannot be found in the active substance list. What needs to be done so that the result can be entered?
- Residue Monitoring: When you enter data for an active substance, an error message is returned, stating that it is not possible to enter the maximum residue level, to select a regulation and/or the ARfD value for an active substance.
- Salmonella monitoring: Which test kits may be used to test samples for Salmonella antibodies?
- The AHI values seem unrealistic – Are there any possibilities to verify them?
- What are the limits of slaughter capacities regarding the collection of diagnostic data?
- What costs are involved when I apply for QS recognition as a laboratory?
- What do I have to consider when implementing feed monitoring as a livestock owner?
- What do I have to do, if I want to participate in the QS scheme as a wholesaler?
- What do I need to consider in case of remediation (Reclassification after classification in category III)?
- What does the QS certification mark stand for?
- What happens if an unauthorized active substance or an exceedance of the maximum residue level is detected in a sample?
- What is a coordinator?
- What is a system coordinator?
- What is an ad-hoc monitoring plan?
- What is QS. Quality scheme for food. and which level of safety does it imply?
- What is the additional control plan?
- What is the difference between QS. Quality scheme for food. and other quality assurance systems?
- What is the difference between the partner area and the software platform (QS database)?
- What is the IDTF?
- What recognitions are there for the production type logistics?
- What requirements apply if my company is only active in the area of storage or only carries out transport activities?
- What requirements do I have to comply with to participate in the QS Scheme?
- What should be done in case of a maximum level/guidance value exceedance?
- What should be given special attention when sampling at the production stage?
- What types of samples are there in QS residue monitoring?
- When can I register for the production scope "Broker" and when for the production scope "Meat wholesale"? How do I participate in the QS scheme?
- When do I additionally have to register and certify my company for the stage Preparation/Processing Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes?
- When do I have to be certificated as a feed company?
- When do I have to register for online trading and how can I implement the registration? What are the requirements for checking the online trade?
- When do I need to participate in feed monitoring?
- When does the annual random sample size change during the current audit interval?
- Where can I buy products bearing the QS certification mark and are they more expensive?
- Where can I find the AHI?
- Which companies can be certified according to the Guideline "Wholesale fruit, vegetables, potatoes"?
- Which companies have to participate in the QS residue monitoring?
- Which deadlines must be complied with when entering samples of scheme participants into the QS database?
- Which laboratories can carry out analysis in QS feed monitoring?
- Which parameters must be analyzed in QS feed monitoring?
- Which processes are covered by the scope of the QS Guideline Logistics of Meat and Meat Products?
- Which processes fall within the scope of the Guideline Preparation/Processing?
- Which processes fall within the scope of the Logistics Guideline?
- Which products may bear the QS certification mark?
- Which recognitions are available for the production type logistics?
- Which requirements do I have to meet as a feed company owner to participate in the QS scheme?
- Which requirements do I have to meet in order to use the QS certification mark in the communication?
- Which requirements do laboratories have to comply with in QS feed monitoring?
- Which requirements exist and where do I get the print data for the QS certification mark?
- Which requirements have to be met in QS. Quality scheme for food.?
- Who can participate in the QS scheme via a multi-site certification?
- Who is behind QS. Quality scheme for food.?
- With whom do I share corrective actions taken?
Fruit Vegetables Potatoes
- Coordinators production fruit, vegetables, potatoes
- Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
- Logistics Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
- Preparation/Processing Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
- Producer
- QS residue monitoring evaluation 2024
- QS residue monitoring evaluation 2025
- Sustainability
- Traceability
- Wholesale Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
Incident and Crisis Management
Meat, Animal, Feed
- Additive and Premix Producer
- Broker Meat and Meat Products
- Butchery
- Cattle Farmers
- Compound Feed Producer
- Convenience
- Coordinators
- Feed Animals Meat
- Feed Material Producers
- Feed Sector
- Feed Sector - Trade, Transport, Storage and Transhipment
- Livestock Farming/Transport
- Livestock Transport
- Logistics
- Meat Sector
- Meat Wholesale
- Mobile Feed Milling and Mixing Plants
- Module-QS-Soyplus
- Módulo QS Soyplus
- Pet Food
- Pig Farmers
- Poultry Farmers
- Private Labelling
- Processing
- QS SoyPlus for livestock farmers
- QS-App Feed Monitoring
- QS-Sojaplus - Benchmarking requirements for standard setters
- Slaughtering/ Deboning
- Antibiotics Monitoring
- Feed Monitoring
- Monitoring Programms Meat Livestock Feed
- QS residue monitoring for fresh fruit, vegetables and potatoes
- Residue Monitoring
- Residue Monitoring Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
- Salmonella Monitoring
Press and Newsroom
- All news and press releases
- Archive
- Current Numbers Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
- Current Numbers Meat, Livestock, Feed
- Feed Monitoring Report
- Info Letters
- Information about the QS-scheme
- Media Catalog
- Media Response
- Monitoring Report
- Monitoringreport Fruit Vegetables Potatoes
- Monitoringreports Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
- New participants in the QS scheme
- News
- News All
- News FVP
- News Meat
- Other Publications
- Press and Newsroom
- Press Releases
- Publications
- QS-Publications
- Subscription Info Letter
- Test
QS company
- About us
- Anonymous Contact Form
- Code of Conduct
- Contact
- Milestones QS scheme
- Notification Crisis Case
- Organisation EN
- Our Company Jobs
- Our Company Staff
- QS the company
QS Home
- Committees
- Documents of the QS Scheme Manual
- Inspection System
- Mark usage specifications for certification bodies and laboratories with QS approval
- Publications and figures
- QS Certification Mark
- QS Certification Mark
- QS certification mark - contact forms
- QS feed monitoring: Video Tutorials
- QS requirements
- QS residue monitoring: Video Tutorials
- QS Science Funds
- QS-System Start
- Sanctions
- Support Team
- What does the QS certification stand for
Raw Material Purchase Map
- Raw material purchase Argentina
- Raw material purchase Australia
- Raw material purchase Austria
- Raw material purchase Belarus
- Raw material purchase Belgium
- Raw material purchase Brazil
- Raw material purchase Bulgaria
- Raw material purchase Canada
- Raw material purchase China
- Raw material purchase Croatia
- Raw material purchase Czech Republic
- Raw material purchase Denmark
- Raw material purchase Dominican Republic
- Raw material purchase Egypt
- Raw material purchase El Salvador
- Raw material purchase Estonia
- Raw material purchase Finland
- Raw material purchase France
- Raw material purchase Germany
- Raw material purchase Great Britain
- Raw material purchase Greece
- Raw material purchase Guatemala
- Raw material purchase Honduras
- Raw material purchase Hungary
- Raw material purchase Iceland
- Raw material purchase in the QS scheme
- Raw material purchase India
- Raw material purchase Indonesia
- Raw material purchase Ireland
- Raw material purchase Israel
- Raw material purchase Italy
- Raw material purchase Kazakhstan
- Raw material purchase Latvia
- Raw material purchase Lithuania
- Raw material purchase Luxemburg
- Raw material purchase Malaysia
- Raw material purchase Moldavia
- Raw material purchase Morocco
- Raw material purchase Netherlands
- Raw material purchase New Zealand
- Raw material purchase Nicaragua
- Raw material purchase Norway
- Raw material purchase Pakistan
- Raw material purchase Paraguay
- Raw material purchase Peru
- Raw material purchase Poland
- Raw material purchase Romania
- Raw material purchase Russia
- Raw material purchase Serbia
- Raw material purchase Singapore
- Raw material purchase Slovakia
- Raw material purchase Slovenia
- Raw material purchase South Africa
- Raw material purchase Spain
- Raw material purchase Sweden
- Raw material purchase Switzerland
- Raw material purchase Thailand
- Raw material purchase Turkey
- Raw material purchase Ukraine
- Raw material purchase Uruguay
- Raw material purchase USA
- Raw material purchase Vietnam