If you are a feed material producer and would like to participate in the QS scheme, register online in the QS database. There, also select the certification body that you have commissioned to perform the audit. After successful auditing, you and QS sign a scheme agreement.
If you produce less than 1,000 tons (dry matter) feed material a year, you can participate in the QS scheme as small scale feed material producer based on an inspection. To participate, contact a certification body which organises all the further steps for you and performs the inspection.
Companies that produce feed material can also be integrated via system coordinators. You can enquire at the QS office whether you can use this option. There you also get the contact details of the system coordinators.
You can see which certification bodies are allowed in the QS scheme from this map.
Recognized standards
If you are already certified according to another feed standard than QS, there may be the possibility to participate in the QS scheme via a recognition. Which standards are recognized by QS and how the delivery into the QS scheme is made possible can be found in Annex 9.1 of the Guideline Feed Sector.
Relevant documents
Steps to join the QS scheme - Feed material producers
Welcome to the QS scheme - Feed Sector
Scale of fees - Supply chain meat and meat product
If you are a compound feed producer who would like to participate in the QS scheme, register online in the QS database. There, also select the certification body that you have commissioned to perform the audit. After successful auditing, you and QS sign a scheme agreement.
You can see which certification bodies are allowed in the QS scheme from this map.
All information that are relevant for the system participation can be found here.
Recognized standards
If you are already certified according to another feed standard than QS, there may be the possibility to participate in the QS scheme via a recognition. Which standards are recognized by QS and how the delivery into the QS scheme is made possible can be found in Annex 9.1 of the Guideline Feed Sector.
Relevant documents
Steps to join the QS scheme - Compound feed producers
Welcome to the QS scheme - Feed Sector
Scale of fees - Supply chain meat and meat product
Companies that market feed which have been produced by a contract producer under their own brand or company name as QS goods conduct Private Labelling. If you want to participate in the QS system as a Private Labeller, register online QS database. There, also select the certification body that you have commissioned to perform the audit. After successful auditing, you and QS sign a scheme agreement.
You can see which certification bodies are allowed in the QS scheme from this map.
All information that are relevant for the system participation can be found here.
Recognized standards
If you are already certified according to another feed standard than QS, there may be the possibility to participate in the QS scheme via a recognition. Which standards are recognized by QS and how the delivery into the QS scheme is made possible can be found in Annex 9.1 of the Guideline Feed Sector.
Relevant documents
Steps to join the QS scheme_Private labellers
Welcome to the QS scheme - Feed Sector
Feed sector - Logistics and trade
If you want to participate in the QS as a trader or as a service provider in the area of transport, storage and transshipment, register online in the QS database. There, also select the certification body that you have commissioned to perform the audit. After contractual integration via the certification body and passing the audit, you will get the QS approval.
Companies or a group of companies with several trading locations as well as storage and/or transport facilities can be audited via a multi-site certification. Several locations are certified at the same time without having to visit each location. In order to make the multi-site certification possible for a group of companies, the main location must inform the QS office which companies with which locations belong to the group and submit the appropriate agreements for multi-site certification.
You can see which certification bodies are allowed in the QS scheme from this map.
All information that are relevant for the system participation can be found here.
Recognized standards
If you are already certified according to another feed standard than QS, there may be the possibility to participate in the QS scheme via a recognition. Which standards are recognized by QS and how the delivery into the QS scheme is made possible can be found in Annex 9.1 of the Guideline Feed Sector.
Relevant documents
Template for the inclusion of service providers in the stage feed sector
Steps to join the QS scheme - Traders
Steps to join the QS scheme - Service providers
Welcome to the QS scheme - Feed Sector
Scale of fees - Supply chain meat and meat product
Feed sector - Additive and premix production
If you want to participate in the QS as an additive and/or premix producer, register online in the QS database. There, also select the certification body that you have commissioned to perform the audit. After successful auditing, you and QS sign a scheme agreement.
You can see which certification bodies are allowed in the QS scheme from this map.
Recognized standards
If you are already certified according to another feed standard than QS, there may be the possibility to participate in the QS scheme via a recognition. Which standards are recognized by QS and how the delivery into the QS scheme is made possible can be found in Annex 9.1 of the Guideline Feed Sector.
Steps to join the QS scheme - Premix and additive producers
Welcome to the QS scheme - Feed Sector
Scale of fees - Supply chain meat and meat product
If you want to participate in the QS scheme as an operator of mobile milling and mixing plants, you can have a QS inspection performed. To do this, directly contact a certification body that organizes all the necessary steps for you and carry out the inspection.
You can see which certification bodies are allowed in the QS scheme from this map.
All information that are relevant for the system participation can be found here.
Recognized standards
If you are already certified according to another feed standard than QS, there may be the possibility to participate in the QS scheme via a recognition. Which standards are recognized by QS and how the delivery into the QS scheme is made possible can be found in Annex 9.1 of the Guideline Feed Sector.
Relevant documents
Welcome to the QS scheme - Feed Sector
Scale of fees - Supply chain meat and meat product
Giulia Offermann
Project Assistant Feed Sector, Monitoring, Support- Tel: +49 (0) 228 35068-215
- Fax: +49 (0) 228 35068-16215