Logo - QS. Ihr Prüfsystem für Lebensmittel

Becoming a QS scheme participant

You are an livestock transporter and would like to participate in the QS scheme? Here you will find detailed information on participating in the QS scheme.

Livestock transport

The participation of livestock transporters in the QS scheme is organized via so-called coordinators. You can find the current coordinators list for example under this link. You are free to choose which coordinator you wish to use. You conclude a declaration of participation and power of attorney with your coordinator: this creates the contractual basis for QS participation. Your coordinator then takes care of the next steps towards QS certification: he registers you in our QS database and organizes the audits. After release of the passed audit you are authorized to deliver in the QS scheme.

Coordinators are the first point of contact for all livestock transporters. They are the link between you and QS. For all questions concerning the QS scheme and QS requirements, please contact your coordinator. He will also provide you with information on the costs for scheme participation and auditing.

If you work exclusively for a single abattoir or hatchery (1:1 supply relationship), participation in the QS scheme is possible via the abattoir or hatchery. In this case your abattoir or hatchery is your first contact person.

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