The organisation QS
Working together with strong partners
In 2001, the agricultural and food industry called with the foundation of the QS quality scheme, a quality assurance scheme into being that covers all production and marketing stages of meat and meat products - from farm to shop. This scheme is organized by QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH. The company is sponsored by five shareholders, which represent the parties in industry who produce and market meat and meat products.
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QS Milestones
![Meilensteine EN 2024 Meilensteine EN 2024](/images/soft-relaunch-2024/teaser/meilensteine-en-2024-1.webp)
Launched at Anuga 2001, foods with the QS test mark are now available in more than 25,000 food retail outlets. You can read about the most important events since the QS system was founded in our milestones.
Shareholders of the QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH:
QS Fachgesellschaft Geflügel GmbH
Three years after QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH was founded as the management company of the QS scheme for meat and meat products, the shareholders decided to found the QS Fachgesellschaft Geflügel GmbH, which has been defining the requirements for quality assurance in the poultry sector since 2004.
Alongside QS, the other shareholder is the Zentralverband der Deutschen Geflügelwirtschaft e. V. (ZDG).
QS Fachgesellschaft Obst-Gemüse-Kartoffeln GmbH was founded in 2004, in order to cater to the special requirements for quality assurance in the production and marketing of fruit, vegetables and potatoes.
Alongside QS, the other shareholder are:
The code of conduct - everyone can rely on everyone
The employees in the QS scheme - at QS itself as well as in the businesses of the QS scheme participants - direct their daily efforts towards building trust in the performance of the scheme and the scheme participants. QS has therefore drawn up a Code of Conduct to provide a clear framework for these activities. The code outlines fundamental principles and rules for cooperation in the QS scheme and for the relationships with scheme participants and the public at large.
QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH, the QS-Fachgesellschaften companies, the certification bodies and laboratories as well as the service providers in the QS scheme will observe the principles outlined in the code of conduct.
Relevant documents
Code of conduct
Assuming responsibility - building trust
The goal of the code of conduct is to prevent situations that might call the integrity of employees, management personnel and the QS scheme as a whole into question. It is the duty of all of us to comply with this code.
If you become aware of violations of the code of conduct and cannot rectify the problem on your own, you should inform your superior or the Compliance Officer in the QS scheme. They will address the matter, and determine and assess the facts. Where necessary, they will take action to stop the violation. They will naturally keep your identity confidential.