For pigs:
The diagnostic data must be reported for all fattening pigs delivered by QS-certified farmers.
Outside Germany, the recording and reporting of the results to the farmer must be carried out in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2019/627. The data must be sent to the farmer and each quarter (aggregated) to QS. For this purpose the companies have received a template for the transmission to QS. Irrespective of this, all diagnostic data must be entered into the slaughterhouse's EDP system. For the farmer, it must be possible to make a comparison with all farmers who have supplied the slaughterhouse.
For poultry:
Slaughterhouses must enter the following data in the diagnostic data database for each batch of QS animals delivered.
- Type of destocking (main destocking/pre-destocking)
- The number of the slaughter batch
- Date of slaughter
- Date of stabling for fattening
- Number of animals delivered for slaughter
- Location number of the farmer
- Animal species/animal group (turkeys, broilers)
- Gender (optional, only for turkeys)
- Mortality during fattening (in percent)
- Animals that died during transport (in percent)
- Foot pad changes (score)
- Exceedings of 2b >20% for chickens or C >25% for turkeys
- Number of animals rejected (differentiated by reason)
- Breast skin lesions for male turkey (percentage of ratings A, B, and C)
- Recording system, camera-based