Logo - QS. Ihr Prüfsystem für Lebensmittel

Approved laboratories in the QS scheme

In the QS scheme, approved laboratories regularly inspect the compliance of the participating businesses with QS requirements within the framework of various monitoring programmes. The experience and responsibility of laboratory personnel play a key role in this process. They test the submitted samples for environmental toxins, residues of plant protection products, mycotoxins or heavy metals as well as for hygiene parameters like salmonella contamination.

Teaser Interner Laborbereich

Login internal area laboratories

Teaser Interner Laborbereich

With the following button laboratories from the feed, residue and salmonella monitoring can log in to the internal area for laboratories.

Documents (Residue Monitoring)

Document (PDF / 302.3 KB)
Annex 10.1 Control plan   info_outline

Documents (Salmonella Monitoring)

Documents (Feed Monitoring)

Document (PDF / 169.2 KB)
Annex 8.5 Additional control plans



Claudia Rotter


Theresa Weber

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