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Livestock farming: Biosecurity on poultry farms


24 05 17 Systemanforderungen LF Tierhaltung Serie Teaser

In poultry breeding and fattening companies, biosecurity is a top priority. All poultry fattening companies participating in the QS scheme must therefore implement salmonella monitoring in every stock, regardless of stocksize. To optimally support scheme participants, QS offers the Guideline Salmonella Monitoring and Reduction Program for Poultry Production as well as the Checklist to determine salmonella entry sources in fattening poultry stocks. Poultry companies can use this to identify possible sources of salmonella entry on their companies and define suitable measures.

Since April 2023, the salmonella status of the stocks has also been recorded centrally as part of Diagnostic Data Monitoring in poultry fattening. This provides the poultry industry with a comprehensive overview of the salmonella situation in poultry farming and enables it to speak and provide information if necessary.

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