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Livestock farming: Participation in salmonella monitoring and behavior in case of increased salmonella risk in pig fattening farms

05/07/2024 | Livestock Farming/Transport | Salmonella | QS scheme

24 05 17 Systemanforderungen LF Tierhaltung Serie

Pig farmers in the QS scheme must participate in mandatory salmonella monitoring in accordance with QS requirements. The aim of salmonella monitoring is to identify pig fattening farms whose pigs have had frequent contact with salmonella and therefore pose an increased risk of introducing salmonella into meat production. Four times a year, the companies are categorized and classified as category I, II or III. The procedure and responsibilities are described in the guidelines Salmonella monitoring pigs and Agriculture pig farming.

Pig fattening companies that are classified in salmonella category II or III must check the hygiene status of the company. Evidence can be documented using Annex 8.3 of the guideline Salmonella monitoring pig Checklist for determining possible sources of salmonella in pig fattening stocks. Category III companies must also consult the supervising veterinarian and carry out bacteriological and epidemiological investigations. Measures must also be taken to reduce the salmonella load.

With the help of Annex 8.2 (Declaration on the ad hoc categorization of a pig fattening farm after implementation of remediation measures), pig fattening farms that were classified as Category III during the quarterly categorization can submit an application for ad hoc categorization. These companies must provide information on which measures have been agreed with the veterinarian and implemented. The livestock owner must then have salmonella samples taken so that an ad hoc categorization can be carried out.

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