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QS information poster on hand and work hygiene - download now free of charge!

03.04.2020 | Produktion | Auditoren

20 04 03 Poster Handhygiene Englisch

The fruit, vegetable and potato industry is defying the corona crisis with high flexibility and proven routines in hygiene and quality assurance. On this basis, the production companies raise the level of protection against infection ad hoc and teach decisive quality and hygiene standards to seasonal workers from outside the industry. In order to provide additional support for producers in this area, QS makes information posters on the topics of hand hygiene and the most important hygiene rules for harvesting available for free download on its Corona Infoportal.

The posters are already available in Hand hygiene (German), Work hygiene (German), Hand hygiene (English), Work hygiene (English) as well as Hand hygiene (Dutch) and Work hygiene (Dutch). The posters will also be available in Italian, Spanish, Romanian and Polish in the coming days.

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