Infoportal on the coronavirus
- is continuously updated (status: 3rd April 2020) -
In the following you will find a selection of the most important specialist information on the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), subdivided according to subject areas.
Recommendations for the food industry
- Guide to Pandemic Defence in the Food Business (Eurofins NDSC Food Testing Germany GmbH)
Further information for the food industry and agriculture
- On the issue of transmission of coronavirus to food (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung)
- information about the coronavirus COVID-19 in different languages (Integrationsbeauftragte der Bundesregierung)
Protection against infection law and hygiene
- Food instruction according to infection protection law §43 in different languages (Kreis Freising, Gemany)
- Illustrative summary of key hygiene tips in form of a poster (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung)