FAQ - QS-Database usage for coordinators
Each location can be registered in the database, giving the VVVO or location number and the production scope. In case of duplication the message above appears.
In this case, you should first check the VVVO or location number and the production scope. It is also appropriate to contact the farmer concerning a participation through a different coordinator and clarify a possible change of the coordinator. For a coordinator change, the location concerned must be completely deregistered by the previous coordinator and must be re-registered with the existing VVVO or location number via Master Data and Reregistration of location.
The re-registration of a deregistered location can be done via the QS database. Choose the location by clicking on Master Data and Bundled locations. Here, click the button Register location. If a location is deregistered less than six months, a follow-up audit must be done. If a location is deregistered longer than six months, an initial audit must be done after the re-registration. When registered again within two months, the certification body can decide whether the previous certification will remain without a new audit.
In case of a changing the coordinator, the location must be deregistered in the QS database by the previous coordinator and registered again by the new coordinator via Master Data and Reregistration of location. If a location is deregistered less than six months, a follow-up audit must be done. If a location is deregistered longer than six months, an initial audit must be done after the re-registration. When registered again within two months, the certification body can decide whether the previous certification will remain without a new audit. The prerequisite is that the reasons for the registration and deregistration are not against a continuation or transfer of the certificate.