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Extension of mutual recognition between FAMI-QS and QS

23/08/2019 | Feed material production | Compound feed production

18 08 01 Gegenseitige Anerkennung QS FAMIQS

In recent years, FAMI-QS, a worldwide standard for the safety of special feed ingredients, and QS have strengthened and expanded their collaboration. Since June last year, QS-certified feed producers have had the opportunity to supply their goods to the FAMI-QS system and vice versa on the basis of mutual recognition.

In general, mutual recognition has the advantage that feed producers certified according to one of the two standards can deliver goods to both systems with only one audit. As part of an extension agreement, all FAMI-QS-certified companies can now use the recognition for deliveries into the QS scheme that fall within the scope of the FAMI-QS Code Version 6.0. In addition to producers of additives and premixes, all producers of feed materials and special compound feeds (supplementary/ dietetic feeds) as well as traders and, more recently, transporters are now covered by this certification.

Another new feature is that FAMI-QS-certified companies can now register themselves in the QS database if they wish to use the QS recognition.

A detailed overview of the content of the mutual recognition between QS and FAMI-QS can be found in Annex 9.1 Recognized standards in the QS guideline for the feed sector. Further information on this topic can also be found on our website under the heading QS Agreements.

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