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Third part of the QS series published in "Eurofruit"

15/11/2018 | Feed material production | Compound feed production

18 11 16 Eurofruit Teil3 Erschienen

As part of our media collaboration with the international magazine Eurofruit, the third of a total of five articles on the QS requirements for companies in the fruit and vegetable sector has been published. In the current issue, we give an overview of the benefits of QS certification for wholesalers and logistics companies.

The quality and safety of fruits and vegetables must not only be ensured during production, but also in the wholesale phase, during the tasks of conditioning and storage of the produce, as well as along the transportation routes between stations. Every scheme participant must be able to rely on each other – across national borders. The German quality standard QS stands for certified quality assurance of fresh fruits and vegetables – from the farm, throughout the wholesale and transport stages, until the shop…

The complete article can be found in our media catalog.

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