Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.
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QS laboratory performance assessment 2024/1: - Red peppers put under the...
97 laboratories from 16 different countries took part in the current laboratory performance assessment for residue monitoring. The task was to test red sweet peppers for certain active substances, identify them and quantify them precisely. A total of 80 QS recognized laboratories took part in...
Livestock farming: requirements for plant hygiene
Industrial hygiene covers various areas. Among other things, the implementation of cleaning and disinfection measures is essential. As part of criterion 3.6.6 Cleaning and disinfection measures, these must be carried out regularly and properly.
Livestock farming: veterinary care and use of medicines
Veterinarians are the first contact persons for livestock owners in poultry, pig and cattle farming companies when it comes to questions about occupational health management. To participate in the QS scheme, every livestock owner must therefore be able to present a written agreement with a...
Livestock farming: support in the event of an incident or crisis
If an incident or crisis occurs in the company that is relevant to the QS scheme, the scheme participants must inform QS and their coordinator immediately of what has happened. This includes, for example, barn fires, ventilation failures or exceeding maximum residue levels in feed. As it is...
Additional control plan Aflatoxin B1 - New risk classification of the country...
QS revises the additional control plan for aflatoxin B1 (Annex 8.5 to the feed monitoring guideline) with effect from June 7, 2024. Based on the available analysis results on aflatoxin B1, the risk of contamination with the mycotoxin for corn from Hungary was downgraded from high to medium.
May 2024 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.
Livestock farming: Support with annual self-assessment
During participation in the QS scheme, livestock owners must carry out regular self-assessments. For this purpose, QS provides species-specific supporting documents in the form of self-assessment checklists that support scheme participants in carrying out self-assessment on their company.
Livestock farming: Helpful documents for optimal preparation for an audit
In order to maintain a QS certification, regular checks are carried out on the scheme participants as part of audits. QS offers various documents for an optimal preparation for each audit.