Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.
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March 2022 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.
QS Feed Monitoring: Interactive world map updated with analyses from 2021
The Interactive world map for QS Feed Monitoring now also includes the latest analysis results from the period 07/2021 - 12/2021. Newly added are data for the two countries of origin New Zealand and Pakistan. Thus, all current analysis results of 62 countries, a total of 256,000 analyses and...
February 2022 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.
Aflatoxin B1 - Revision of the additional control plan
QS has revised the additional control plan for aflatoxin B1 with effect from February 15, 2022. Based on the available results on aflatoxin B1 in maize, new risk classifications for the countries of origin Spain and the Czech Republic were made in the course of the revision.
Laboratory managers' meeting Residue Monitoring 2022 attracts great interest
This year's QS Laboratory managers meeting for the residue monitoring sector took place on February 8, 2022. As in the previous year, the laboratory managers' meeting registered a new record number of participants: The virtual event was attended by more than 190 participants from QS recognized...
January 2022 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.
30th QS Laboratory performance assessment placed high demands on the...
77 laboratories from 18 countries participated in the 30th QS performance assessment for laboratories in residue monitoring of fruit, vegetables and potatoes in October 2021. QS chose potato as the test matrix, in order to check, among other things, the analysis of sum active substances - such...
December 2021 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.