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Livestock farming: Support with annual self-assessment

31/05/2024 | Inspection and laboratory analyses | Livestock Farming/Transport | QS scheme

24 05 17 Systemanforderungen LF Tierhaltung Serie

During participation in the QS scheme, livestock owners must carry out regular self-assessments. For this purpose, QS provides species-specific supporting documents in the form of self-assessment checklists that support scheme participants in carrying out self-assessment on their company. The checklists do not reflect the underlying guidelines in detail, but summarize those points that should be checked once a year.

The self-assessment checklists can be used as a whole or in parts and can be completed on one date or at different times throughout the year. It is crucial that a complete self-assessment is carried out and documented at the initial audit and at least once per calendar year thereafter. Support from external experts (e.g. technicians, consultants or veterinarians) is also possible when carrying out the self-assessment.

Note: The annual self-assessment does not replace the daily animal inspection.

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