Logo - QS. Ihr Prüfsystem für Lebensmittel

Pig Farmers

Pig farmers in the QS scheme ensure that their animals are kept under optimum conditions and with a high level of operational hygiene. When implementing quality assurance measures, QS supports livestock owners with practical requirements and checklists for self-monitoring.


Monitoring programmes

There are four comprehensive monitoring programmes for meat, livestock and feed in the QS scheme: antibiotics monitoring, salmonella monitoring, feed monitoring and the collection of diagnostic data.

QS Agreements

QS actively promotes cooperation with other standard owners across national borders, so that everyone can rely on each other. In the interests of food and feed safety, QS maintains a close exchange with the standard owners- a good basis for joint further development.

Pig | Netherlands

IKB Nederland Varkens (DGB)

QS recognises the audits of the Dutch standard IKB Nederland Varkens (De Groene Belangenbehartiger b.v.). The businesses can become QS scheme participants based on their IKB certification. For this purpose, they are registered in the QS database by the Dutch standard owner. All businesses with delivery eligibility are listed in the QS database.


Katrin Spemann

Slaughtering/Deboning | Pig | Belgium

BePork (Belpork v.z.w.)

There is a mutual audit recognition between the Belgian BePork standard and QS for animal transport as well as a unilateral audit recognition for pig farms and slaughterhouses and cutting plants that can supply live pigs or pork to the QS scheme if they have been successfully certified according to BePork.


Markus Hensgen

Slaughtering/Deboning | Pig | Netherlands

IKB Varken (CBDKiwa VERIN)

QS recognizes the audits of the Dutch standard IKB-Varken (Kiwa VERIN) for pig farming businesses and slaughtering and deboning businesses. Pig farming businesses can deliver into the QS scheme based on their IKB certification. For this purpose, they are registered in the QS database by the Dutch standard owner. All businesses with delivery eligibility are listed in the QS database. Slaughtering and deboning businesses certified in accordance with IKB-Varken can also become QS scheme participants based on this audit. For this purpose, they register directly in the QS database, where their eligibility to deliver is listed.

Conversely, Kiwa VERIN recognizes the QS audits with additional requirements for both pig farming and slaughtering and deboning businesses. Interested companies should contact the QS office.


Markus Hensgen

Slaughtering/Deboning | Pig | Denmark

Danish Productstandard, Global Red Meat Standard (Danish Agriculture & Food Council (DAFC))

QS recognizes the Danish product standard of the DAFC in the agricultural sector for piglets and fattening pigs as well as the Global Red Meat Standard (GRMS) for pork in the field of slaughtering and deboning. Agricultural businesses holding this certification according to the Danish Product Standard may deliver into the QS scheme. Details of QS delivery eligibility are outlined on the Danish internet website. The required CHR number must be listed on the delivery confirmations.

Slaughtering and deboning businesses can deliver into the QS scheme based on their certification in accordance with the Global Red Meat Standard.
Businesses with delivery eligibility are listed in the QS database.

Neither agricultural businesses nor slaughtering and deboning businesses are entitled to use the QS certification mark.


Markus Hensgen



Julia Behrens

Project Assistant Agriculture, Pigs
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