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New risk assessment for Hungary - QS revises control plan for aflatoxin B1

QS has revised the control plan for aflatoxin B1 with effect from February 1, 2021. The version valid with immediate effect includes a new risk assessment for Hungary.

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ICRT presents new IDTF website

The ICRT members - QS, GMP+ International, Qualimat Transport, Ovocom, EFISC-GTP, AIC and AMA Marketing - present the new IDTF (International Database Transport (for) feed)...

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It's good to have a plan

They produce feed materials or compound feeds, additives or premixes and trade them worldwide. There are brand producers and others who produce under private labels for branded...

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December 2020 - Overview of new QS scheme participants

Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent...

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New service to create control plans: QS-EasyPlan Feed

In order to participate in QS feed monitoring, industry-specific control plans specify the parameters for which the feed must be analyzed, distributed over the entire year.

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Successful prolongation of the mutual recognition between GMP + International and QS

GMP + International and QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH have re-established their longstanding, successful cooperation and prolongated their mutual recognition agreement. This...

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QS wishes Merry Christmas!

After this special year that has challenged us all, we wish you and your loved ones a peaceful Christmas.  

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Revision of the additional control plan for Aflatoxin B1 – Changed risk classification for Ukraine

With effect from December 18, 2020 QS has revised the additional control plan for aflatoxin B1. The revised version of the additional control plan contains a new risk...

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Continuation and expansion of mutual recognition with the French standard owner OQUALIM decided

QS and OQUALIM will continue and extend their mutual recognition in the coming year. Starting next year, the mutual recognition between QS and the standard owner OQUALIM from...

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