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Quality assurance even in uncertain times

11.02.2021 | Kontrollen und Laboranalysen | Tierhaltung/Transport | Obst, Gemüse, Kartoffeln | Fleischwirtschaft | Lebensmitteleinzelhandel

21 02 11 Auswertungen QS Audits EN

The evaluations of the QS audits from the past year, which was dominated by the Corona pandemic like no other, show it: even in these extraordinary and challenging times, the quality assurance of the QS scheme participants can be relied on. Despite the difficult circumstances and the significant reduction in audit activity that was required at times, the overall number of QS audits performed was almost unchanged compared to 2019.

QS introduced the possibility to perform temporary remote controls in November 2020. These were used almost exclusively for companies located abroad and only in small numbers.

To find out how many regular and spot audits, additional random sample audits, audits of special purposes and remote controls were carried out in 2020, please click here:


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