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Revision of the additional control plan Aflatoxin B1 for harvest 2021
As of now, the revised additional control plan Aflatoxin B1 in maize, which will come into force from 20.09.2021, is available on the QS website.
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August 2021 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent...
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July 2021 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent...
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Floods - QS approved laboratories offer free of charge analyses for possible contaminations
The catastrophic floods in mid-July caused damage, some of it severe, to farms, producers and feed companies in North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Belgium and the...
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IFS and QS launch joint co-branding for selected working documents
Quality assurance and safe food are the common goal of QS and IFS. To achieve this goal, the highest hygiene requirements must be met in the food chain. In cooperation with...
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Paper of incident animal husbandry and transport: Facilitated presentation of the facts of the case
As part of the incident and crisis management, QS scheme participants must inform their coordinator immediately about critical incidents, provided that they are relevant for...
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June 2021 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent...
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Laboratory performance assessment reveals optimization potential
93 laboratories from 16 countries participated in the first laboratory performance assessment in 2021, a record number of participants. In addition to 73 approved laboratories,...
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May 2021 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent...
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