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Floods - QS approved laboratories offer free of charge analyses for possible contaminations

27/07/2021 | Livestock Farming/Transport | Feed Sector | Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes | QS scheme

Teaser Hochwasser EN

The catastrophic floods in mid-July caused damage, some of it severe, to farms, producers and feed companies in North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Belgium and the Netherlands. Due to contaminated water, specific risks can result for the production of fruit, vegetables and potatoes as well as for animal feed on the field, in storage or in silos. To assist affected QS scheme participants in evaluating potential contamination risks, some QS approved laboratories offer free testing for potential sources of contamination.

In addition to a regularly updated list of participating laboratories, QS has launched a new section on its corporate website where affected farms, producers and feed businesses can find an overview of how to identify and assess potential contamination risks in flood areas.

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