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QS Sojaplus - Benchmarking requirements for standard owners

02.05.2024 | Tierhaltung/Transport | Futtermittelwirtschaft | QS System

24 01 30 QS SojaPlus

Soybeans must meet sustainable cultivation requirements for delivery into the QS scheme. On the QS website, you can now find an extract of the criteria that QS sets for the sustainable production of soybeans. Standard owners who wish to be benchmarked via QS must fulfill these accordingly. The criteria are based on the FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guideline on the one hand and on QS-specific requirements for certification on the other.

The European Feed Manufacturers' Federation (FEFAC) is the umbrella organization of the European compound feed industry based in Brussels. FEFAC represents 28 national associations such as the French EUROFAC, Dutch Nevedi, Spanish CESFAC and the German DVT. Representing the interests of the animal feed industry, they campaign at European level for a sustainable and future-oriented animal feed industry.

The criteria that QS sets for soybean production can be divided into seven areas, which you can find here.

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