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Temporary implementation of remote controls

12/11/2020 | Inspection and laboratory analyses | Livestock Farming/Transport | Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes | Meat Sector

20 11 10 Einführung Von Remote Kontrollen

Due to the spread of coronavirus on the one hand and African swine fever on the other hand, audits in risk or restricted areas are becoming increasingly difficult. In order to maintain the eligibility for delivery of the companies and at the same time guarantee the integrity of the scheme, QS enables remote controls to be carried out in the current situation under defined conditions.

In principle, it is still necessary to carry out audits on site wherever possible and to take appropriate protective measures. For companies where an on-site audit is not feasible, certification bodies will be given the opportunity from 15 November 2020, under certain conditions, to carry out remote controls to extend the eligibility for delivery by a maximum of one year. This option is initially limited until April 30, 2021. Remote control is associated with the use of digital means of communication and may only be performed with the written consent of the scheme participant. Remote controls must include a detailed document review, interviews with those responsible and, if possible, a virtual tour of the plant. The responsible certification body decides on the feasibility of remote control in each individual case; the scheme participant has no claim to this.

With the described regulation, QS wants to ensure the best possible protection against infection for its scheme participants and auditors.

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